CURE Post-Course Survey

HHMI Associated Survey of Biology Labs

You are invited to participate in a research study. This research, to be conducted by Dr. John Peters and Dr. Brian Scholtens, Department of Biology, is designed to assess student’s perceptions of science education prior to and following a research experience in the introductory biology laboratory.

Participation in this study will require about 15 minutes twice during the semester. As a participant in this research, you will be asked to complete an online survey.

Your information will be kept strictly confidential. All surveys will receive a code number. The list which has your College ID number and code number will be kept in a locked file in the Department of Biology at the College of Charleston and destroyed when the research is complete. At no time will you be able to be identified in any reports or publications which result from this research.

Although it is not anticipated that you will benefit directly through your involvement in this study, this research is expected to benefit students pursuing an undergraduate degree in the sciences.

There are no known risks or discomfort associated with this research.

Your participation is completely voluntary, and you may discontinue participation at any time. Your decision to participate or not, or to discontinue participating, will not have any effect on your grades in this class.

If you have any questions concerning this specific research study please contact Dr. John Peters at or 843-953-1422. You may also contact Research Protections & Compliance in the Office of Research and Grants Administration, at 843-953-7421 or e-mail if you have questions or concerns about research review at the College of Charleston or your rights as a research participant. You will be given a copy of this form to keep.

Clicking on the link below signifies your consent to participate in this research project by completing the online survey.

DO NOT ENTER YOUR NAME AND E-MAIL ADDRESS in the initial fields of the survey. Instead, enter your College of Charleston CWID in the Name field/box- DO NOT enter an e-mail address.

If you have any questions before completing this survey and wish to ask additional questions about the Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant that has funded this project, please contact the researcher(s), Dr. Mark Hurd (via phone, 843.953.6362 / 843.708.2446 or e-mail,

This research has been reviewed by the Human Research Protections Program at the College of Charleston. The approval code for this study is GLGF-08-23-2013. For information about the review process, please contact the Office of Research and Grants Administration, or 843-953-7421.

If you wish to participate, please proceed to the following URL:

If you would like to leave the survey at any time, just close the page by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of the browser page or tab.